Frequently asked.

What are the requirements for enrolling my amazing dog in daycare or boarding at Chi-Town Dog House?

You are required to register on our online portal, and your dog must:

  • Be well socialized with other dogs & people.

  • Be spayed/neutered after 6 months of age.

  • Have updated Bordetella, Distemper & Rabies vaccinations.

  • Pass a temperament test via a trial day of daycare.

How old does my puppy need to be to come to Chi-Town Dog House?

Your puppy must be at least 3 months old and must have Bordetella, Distemper (round one) and Distemper (round 2) vaccinations. Please note that we require your pup to be spayed or neutered at 6 months of age.

Why does my puppy have to be spayed or neutered after 6 months of age in order to be in a daycare/boarding environment?

Male dogs become fertile around 6 months of age and female dogs go into their first heat cycle around 6 months of age. We are an open-play daycare and boarding facility and as such we cannot permit dog breeding!

How do I schedule the trial day for my dog?

Email or call us first to check availability!